Let's find the products with a much better price and stable source. Whether you need more consistency, realiability, price or category expertise we have you covered.
Quality assurance inspections and third party audits to verify your quality standards across your supply chain anywhere, anytime
You receive samples of your products before approving your order. Get samples for approval before production even starts. Our Team manages process-driven sampling from start to finish.
We will negotiate the Final Price once you are completely satisfied with the samples you were supplied. Your Final Price mainly based on Quality.
Upon Approval, we will submit your order to manufacture your products. Full transparency in manufacturing, and understanding the production process gives you peace of mind with high quality standards. With teams on the ground, we keep it real with manufacturers, so you're getting exactly what you specified.
Our Partnered Team over 25 Years Experience Accredited Against all major international regulatory standards for the importation of consumer and Industrial products worldwide. Quality Control is key. We ensure that your products meet the quality requirements and the standards set.
We will send you video footage and snapshots of your ordered products once our team inspects your products, ensuring complete quality standards. Products match the samples you were supplied with high-quality standards.
Packaging and shipping
We support customised Packaging. Your products will be ready to
sell after labelling, barcoding & etc. Our shipping ranges from
Air or Sea can be by express with the option to manage all
freight, clearance, importing and delivery after your products are
manufactured & quality checked.
We source and ship manufactured goods over a wide cross-section of industries and products, including consumer electronics, apparel shoes & clothing, furniture & décor, outdoor & garden, home & kitchen, construction, industrial, office supplies, Automative, personal care, make-to-order engineered components, building and packaging products and so much more. Depending entirely on your requirements, the business model we deploy for each of our customer relationships is unique and second to none.
Consumer Electronics Category we work with verified manufacturers with Good Track record in manufacturing quality consumer electronics. TQA or CSR Audits and Testing & Certification. We also work with distributors for big brand electronics.
The Furniture Category sourcing Furniture and Décor from Europe, America and Australasia. Inlcuding Importing cost effective, quality furniture from our predominantly Asian, European and North America supplier base into these fast paced and highly competitive markets.
Access world’s supply in interior design with high quality-standards from specifications and quality inspections where nothing is left to chance. Every furniture finishes, every fabric details or colour specification is quality checked delivering the highest level of quality in the most reasonable amount of time without the stress and time waste.
The Homewares & kitchen category is experiencing exponential growth in the eCommerce space. It's a broad category that includes many subcategories, each requiring specific expertise to ensure the best possible outcomes to source the very best in affordable homewares that touch every corner of homes and outdoor living spaces.
Step into any outdoor and garden centre and you are sure to find a variety of brightly coloured pots, planters, statues, corbels, outdoor settings and shades sourced globally. Choose from a vast array of existing products or design and create your own products by letting us source and manage the manufacture and shipping for you.
Get access to higher-quality construction and machinery products at a better price leveraging our trusted industry relationships and production know-how. We work with builders and developers across the globe to find cost savings on materials and products your stakeholders will love.
Sourcing Industrial products from factories and manufacturers at lowest price with best quality product materials and componments.
Sourcing for all kinds of Automotive parts and accessories ensuring quality-standards with safety-standards considering more people who want to import automotive parts and accessories we will help you source for quality automotive parts and accessories directly from suppliers, and finally export with TQA or CSR Audits and Testing & Certification.
The Apparel Category is vast, requiring targeted verified expertise to make sure you achieve the best outcome possible in functionality, fit and aesthetics. We've got you covered with the expertise you need to tick all the boxes in design, safety standards, production and sustainability.
The Personal Care category requires technical expertise and sound knowledge of product development and manufacturing stages to convert your brilliant concept into a product your target market will love. We've got those skills in spade.
Let's Get started
Making Things Happen!!.